Since the beginning of my activity as a lawyer I have published numerous articles and essays. Apart from my doctorate thesis, I published specialized essays in legal magazines as well as translations of Spanish law into German. Also in German and Spanish newspapers and magazines, many of my articles have been published.

A selection of my publications in legal magazines

  • “Representation of the German travel law” in issue No. 28 1995 of the Balearic legal magazine “Missér”.
  • Translation of the Spanish package tour law: Publication in VuR 1998, side 99ff. ; also published in the technical periodical of the International/Spanish
    law association “Informaciones” 1997, p 179ff.
  • Representation of the Spanish and German package tour law in VuR, number 8 1999, page 251ff.
  • Representation of the suitability acknowledgment test procedure for Spanish attornies, issue 4 Anwaltsblatt, 2000; pp 246f; also published in “Kammerreport” of the attorney and notary chamber for the upper national district Hamm, booklet No. 2/2000 (27,03.); S. 16ff.
    “Das spanische Zivil- und Handelsrecht” with Christian Eckl in Unternehmerhandbuch Spanien, issued by Handelskammer für Spanien.
  • Furthermore, I regularly proof read legal theses and specialized publications on Spanish law for the International/Spanish lawyer association, which publishes these in its technical magazine “informaciones”.
  • “Negotiating with authorities and business partners” in the book: Unternehmenskultur in Spain, issued by the Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Germany, Andreas Marek/Susanne Mueller, Frankfurt, 2004.

A selection of my publications in the German media

  • “Security of time sharing contracts” in the daily paper “Die Welt” from 21 June 1997 (real estate part).
  • Representation of the characteristics of Spanish property law in the magazine “Haua und Grund” from 1999/2000.
  • Sueddeutsche Zeitung, 19. March 2000, article “Between euphoria and disillusionment: In Mallorca almond trees and real estate dreams blossom”.
  • Bellevue, May 2000, article “What is different about the Kingdom of Spain?”
  • Westfälische Nachrichten, 26 September 2000, article “foreign property and investments in Spain”.
  • Westfälische Nachrichten, 30 January 2001, article “property inheritance in Spain”.
  • Ruhr Nachrichten, 20 April 2002, article “the legally-safe property purchase in Spain”.
  • Münstersche Zeitung and Ruhr Nachrichten, 28. May 2005, article “Spanish real estate: problems with purchase/sales agreements – inheritance – marriage or finance ”.
  • Interview with Dr. Stiff in the TOP Münsterland Magazine, spring 2006.

A selection of my press publications in Spain

  • Mallorca Zeitung, 19. – 25. February 2004, Page 6, Article “Spanish exceptions to building valuations and property Law”.
  • Mallorca Zeitung, 15. – 21. April 2004, Page 59, Article “Safe Property purchase: Requirement of notary to inform land Registry by fax of Sale”.
  • Mallorca Zeitung 14. bis 20. October 2004, Page 23, “Spain is different – especially the Bureaucracy”, by Dr. Manuel Stiff; in same issue, Page 28, Article “Legally safe purchase in Mallorca: Tax and legal questions which occur at purchase of habitable property”.
  • Mallorca Zeitung 31. March 06. April 2005, Page 7, Interview “Pre-nuptual Agreement: International couples need legal advice before marriage”.
  • Mallorca Zeitung 24. March 2005, Issue Page 18, Article: “Bequest and Inheritance of Spanish property: Purchase through Inheritance”; also published in: Mallorca Magazin, Issue Nr. 3, Spring 2005 (Page 15) and Issue 16. June 2005 (Page 51).
  • Special issue of Mallorca Zeitung, Law and Taxes, September 2006.
  • Special issue of Mallorca Magazin , Law and Taxes, December 2010.
  • Mallorca Magazin, 7/2011, Seite 49, Artikel: Vermittler zwischen zwei Welten.