Desde el inicio de mi actividad como abogado, he publicado numerosos escritos y artículos. Además de mi tesis doctoral, he publicado, por ejemplo, diversos artículos especializados en revistas jurídicas, así como traducciones de leyes españolas al alemán. También he publicado artículos muy variados en revistas y periódicos alemanes y españoles.

Esta es una selección de mis publicaciones en revistas jurídicas especializadas

  • “Representation of the German travel law” in issue No. 28 1995 of the Balearic legal magazine “Missér”.
  • Translation of the Spanish package tour law: Publication in VuR 1998, side 99ff. ; also published in the technical periodical of the International/Spanish
    law association “Informaciones” 1997, p 179ff.
  • Representation of the Spanish and German package tour law in VuR, number 8 1999, page 251ff.
  • Representation of the suitability acknowledgment test procedure for Spanish attornies, issue 4 Anwaltsblatt, 2000; pp 246f; also published in “ Kammerreport ” of the attorney and notary chamber for the upper national district Hamm, booklet No. 2/2000 (27,03.); S. 16ff.
    «Das spanische Zivil- und Handelsrecht» with Christian Eckl in Unternehmerhandbuch Spanien, issued by Handelskammer für Spanien.
  • Furthermore, I regularly proof read legal theses and specialized publications on Spanish law for the International/Spanish lawyer association, which publishes these in its technical magazine “informaciones”.
  • “Negotiating with authorities and business partners” in the book: Unternehmenskultur in Spain, issued by the Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Germany, Andreas Marek/Susanne Mueller, Frankfurt, 2004

Esta es una selección de mis publicaciones en medios alemanes

  • “Security of time sharing contracts” in the daily paper “Die Welt” from 21 June 1997 (real estate part).
  • Representation of the characteristics of Spanish property law in the magazine “Haua und Grund” from 1999/2000.
  • Sueddeutsche Zeitung, 19. March 2000, article “Between euphoria and disillusionment: In Mallorca almond trees and real estate dreams blossom”.
  • Bellevue, May 2000, article “What is different about the Kingdom of Spain?”
  • Westfälische Nachrichten, 26 September 2000, article “foreign property and investments in Spain”.
  • Westfälische Nachrichten, 30 January 2001, article “property inheritance in Spain”.
  • Ruhr Nachrichten, 20 April 2002, article “the legally-safe property purchase in Spain”.
  • Münstersche Zeitung and Ruhr Nachrichten, 28. May 2005, article “Spanish real estate: problems with purchase/sales agreements – inheritance – marriage or finance ”.
  • Interview with Dr. Stiff in the TOP Münsterland Magazine, spring 2006.

Esta es una selección de mis publicaciones en la prensa española

  • Mallorca Zeitung, 19. – 25. February 2004, Page 6, Article «Spanish exceptions to building valuations and property Law».
  • Mallorca Zeitung, 15. – 21. April 2004, Page 59, Article «Safe Property purchase: Requirement of notary to inform land Registry by fax of Sale».
  • Mallorca Zeitung 14. bis 20. October 2004, Page 23, «Spain is different – especially the Bureaucracy», by Dr. Manuel Stiff; in same issue, Page 28, Article «Legally safe purchase in Mallorca: Tax and legal questions which occur at purchase of habitable property».
  • Mallorca Zeitung 31. March 06. April 2005, Page 7, Interview «Pre-nuptual Agreement: International couples need legal advice before marriage».
  • Mallorca Zeitung 24. March 2005, Issue Page 18, Article: «Bequest and Inheritance of Spanish property: Purchase through Inheritance»; also published in: Mallorca Magazin, Issue Nr. 3, Spring 2005 (Page 15) and Issue 16. June 2005 (Page 51).
  • Special issue of Mallorca Zeitung, Law and Taxes, September 2006.
  • Special issue of Mallorca Magazin , Law and Taxes, December 2010.
  • Mallorca Magazin, 7/2011, Seite 49, Artikel: Vermittler zwischen zwei Welten.